Published inThe StartupThought Experiment: Golang Structured ErrorsLet’s talk about structured errors, what they mean, and how it might perfectly correlate to the new `slog` package introduced in Go 1.21.Oct 20, 20231Oct 20, 20231
Clean Architecture in Golang with Go KitHow to really write Clean Architecture in Go? Maybe go-kit has this all figured out…Sep 17, 20236Sep 17, 20236
goroutine Wrapper For Recover and Context PropagationDealing with simple gotchas related to open a goroutine in GoAug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
Published inThe StartupProvider Model in Go and Why You Should Use It (Answer: Clean Architecture)Calling an external service is something we all need to do. So why not use a consistent pattern, that follows Clean-Architecture approach?Dec 13, 20203Dec 13, 20203
Published inThe StartupWhen an Interface Depends on Another Interface in GoInterfaces in Go let you describe the behaviour you need. But what happens when the behaviour you need depends on another interface?Aug 2, 20202Aug 2, 20202